Thank You Notes

By Tampa International Fringe Festival Inc. (other events)

5 Dates Through May 11, 2019

Dating: it sucks.  Ever dated a really terrible kisser?  What about someone who could only get turned on in odd and back-bending places?  Did you ever think you had found “the one” only to get ghosted by that person soon after?  Did you ever date someone you just knew your mother would hate? Or what about someone really, really cheap? Jaime has dated all these people.  But in a world full of horrifying dating experiences, she also managed the impossible: she has found “the one”. This is why you’ll find her writing thank you notes to her exes on her wedding day.  What could go wrong? Mark (aka “the one”) is everything she has dreamed of: good-looking, sweet, funny, a great lover, and he thinks she is the best thing that’s ever happened to him since the invention of the wrap.  But what if that's not enough? What if behind every great attribute is a big red flag? Watch Jaime struggle to embrace her future, let go of her past and be thankful for her dating disasters.